I Had That Dream Again

I had that dream again

where you throw yourself out the window

and I can’t stop you.

All I can do is look down

and whisper …

But, that’s not what happened

Not at all

The last time we were together we laughed, we joked, we reminisced

But when the doctor said:  Ready?

You looked …


like you had forgotten that it was today.

But you nodded, looked at us,

wiggled your fingers, and said:

Toodle loo

And just like that, you were gone.

Free, finally, from the pain and the inevitability of more and worse.

So, I am happy for you and happy that you got to choose. 

Everyone said that it was the perfect way to say goodbye.


almost everyone.

I had that dream again

where you throw yourself out the window

and I can’t save you.

All I can do is look down

and whisper …

Toodle loo, my friend

Toodle loo

To read how this poem was edited, please read this article

© JD Cottier.  September 2020 - 2022


Poetry -Deconstructing the editing process


The Covid Collages